Monday, August 11, 2008

Fire and Rain

Last weekend was pretty nice overall. Saturday we did a 28 mi group ride - and experienced a great deal of rain. We were only riding for about 10 minutes before it started, and toward the middle of the ride I felt like my feet were swimming in my shoes. I decided to call that ride a success if none of us fell off - and we came close. All of the Duck Dales finished unscathed, but about a mile from the end after yelling "slippery" twice to the guy behind me, he came to a crashing halt. Poor guy was absolutely covered in dirt and gravel, since this pesky section of road was under construction. Luckily he had some chaps to cover his driver's seat for the way home. I kid you not.

Sunday we went for a 44 mi ride out in the country. We started in Grandview and rode down around Raymore, Belton, and Peculiar. Highways Y and YY were particularly terrifying. 55 mph speed limits, hills, and an abundance of trucks with trailers encouraged us to get that part of the ride done quick. You're probably going to give us crap about this route, so let me just head you off by saying that this one will be provided to cyclists for the Summer Breeze 45 miler coming up later this month. Oh yeah, and we got chased by another crazy little dog. Again, on Prospect, this time way out South. But they better watch out, because I'm working out the details for my patent -a secret weapon to ward off those little devils.

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