Friday, July 18, 2008

Speedy Suits

Last night we went on the Brookside group ride through KC Bicycle Club. It was a good group, nice route, and lots of fun. The route was somewhat similar to the Colonel, but took us a bit farther (just under 18 miles). On the ride, we crossed paths with 3 other group rides. One such group of 10 or so FLEW by us in triathlon get-ups - speedy suits. We also had a few kids stand on the curb and say hi as we passed, and one counted us, which was pretty cute.

Now, you all know Matt's birthday is coming up. Looking for a gift idea? You can't go wrong with a speedy suit:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please, Matt, try on the speedy suit and post the pic. We promise to double our donations!