BUT, these ducks aren't average. This week both of us surpassed the average raised by riders last year. Big thanks go to our recent donors: Gramps, Cecilia, THE DUCK DALE & Mrs. Duck, and Ray Kuhn. The best news of all is that we have a new team member - introducing J GARV! Justin, you little bro, we're pumped you've signed up. All your kickball experience will come in handy as you flex your quads on the bike! Ride fast, little guy! (*note, Justin is nearly an entire month younger than Kylia)
Now that we've got an odd number of mates, we're going to get crazy. Gatorade AM in the PM and who knows what else!
This week's goal is more miles in fewer rides - shoot for 70?
The little guy, himself
Dear Duck Dales,
Do the training wheels on the younger riders' bikes create any special issues for the MS 150? You crazy kids quack me up!
I'm not sure, Justin goes to bed at 8PM so we haven't talked to him lately. I'm just worried about his sippy cup falling out of his cage...
Then again, we could probably get a juicebox holder for him. If you know where to buy one, let me know!
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