Monday, September 1, 2008

Quacks Hijacked

Five feathered friends abduck-ted!

WANTED: any information leading to the arrest of the crazed rebel seen in the following surveillance video.

We believe the ducklings are still in the area. They were last seen around 3PM on Labor Day in Brookside, W 68th St. The Duck Police have reported that a ransom is being sought by the suspect, who claims that if she doesn't reach her fundraising goal, all ducklings will be left to fend for themselves.

What can you do? If you find a duckling, Mama Duck is waiting in the bird bath in the Garver's back yard.

*police warn that if the ducklings are returned before the ransom is paid, the whole Duck family could be in jeopardy*


Questionable Echo said...

Oh noes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That music gave me the chills.

Anonymous said...

OMG! It's DuckMonsterSplash! The ducklings must be saved!

GrantMasterFlash said...

Looks like Justin to me.