Today was a good day. If you've been keeping track, you know that today was our redo of the Shawnee Mission Ride (the hardest MS training ride offered by the Society). Recall that last time we did this ride I fell off my bike after being defeated by the hill from hell. This time was a different story. We made it to the top! I was pretty pumped. After two weeks of seething over this hill beating me the first time, I was pretty ecstatic when we finished without incident. Take that! While I was savoring that victory, I was thinking a lot about how people with MS struggle with everyday movement all the time. Depending on the type of MS and the progression of the disease, anything from taking a shower, getting dressed, walking, driving a car, and being able to work and have fun with friends and family can be a challenge. So the determination that folks with MS exhibit in the face of such daily unpredictability is truly amazing. With a lot of training and conviction this Summer I can confidently say I'm ready for the MS 150. What's hard for me to accept is the fact that no amount of mind-over-matter changes how difficult it can be for people with MS to make their way in the world.
This brings me to my fundraising. I'm $99 short of my goal. I know I'll make (and exceed) it, so I'm just asking you to please, please, donate. Your tax-deductible donation will go to help folks with MS, and help fund research to find a cause and cure for this disease. If you need some concrete examples, your donation can provide educational materials for newly diagnosed patients, emergency assistance for families struggling to make ends meet after a breadwinner is no longer able to work, respite time for a caregiver that needs some time for self-care, and ultimately, the scientific inquiry we so desperately need to understand this disease.
So if you're able, consider donating $10 or $20 or more. Please know that your donation means a lot to me personally, and will make a difference in someone's life. Thank you for your support.